Uh oh. Your to-do list is a mile long and you wake up to the undeniable twinge in your gut that tells you your period is starting. It can be hard to anticipate your period symptoms every month. We’ve been there, and we’re here to help you get the relief you need so you can get on with your life.
Take our quiz to find the right Midol® for you.

1. What is your period’s signature symptom?
- Bloating, so sweatpants it is.
- Cramps that don’t quit. It’s an all-day affair.
- Cramps, bloating, fatigue.

2. Tell us about your go-to self-care routine during your period.
- Get a full eight hours of sleep and I’ll be on my way.
- The couch has become my bed, my kitchen and my WFH office — and don’t forget the heating pad.
- Coffee, and lots of it.

3. Do you have a go-to strategy for managing your period symptoms?
- Yoga and hot water with lemon in the morning.
- I’ll stick with a strong pain reliever that lasts.
- Boyfriend jeans. Flowy dresses. Anything that helps me forget about the bloat.

4. What symptoms do you want to squash the most?
- Cramps and bloating.
- Cramps and muscle aches.
- Cramps, bloating, fatigue, muscle aches and just generally feeling "blah".

5. What do you need to feel your best?
- I need to sleep as much as possible.
- Pain relief for my full calendar.
- I’m tired, I’m bloated, I’m crampy and I need something to help me feel like myself again.
Mostly A’s — Midol® Complete Caffeine Free
You’ve got all the feels today, and you’re willing to give in to them a little — as long as you’re not suffering while you do it. Reach for Midol® Complete Caffeine Free, which gives you relief from bloating, cramps, muscle aches and headaches without the jitters, so you can take advantage of that break in your afternoon to snuggle up and take a nap.
Mostly B’s — Midol® Long Lasting Relief
You need relief from the aches and pains your period has so kindly bestowed upon you, and you need it to last up to eight hours. Reach for Midol® Long Lasting Relief in the morning and the extended-release tablets can provide pain relief for up to eight hours so you can keep rolling on your busy schedule.
Mostly C’s — Midol® Complete
You’re a busy woman with no time for the pain, bloating or fatigue that seem to come out of nowhere (every month ... around the same time). Midol® Complete is your answer — delivering fast relief of your period symptoms, from the aches and pains to the blahs and bloat you just don’t want to deal with. It’s also available in convenient Midol® Complete On-the-Go pouches, which fit in your purse, your gym bag or your desk at work.
Always talk to your doctor about any health issues and concerns. Use as directed.